Never Forget. Never Again.
New Hampshire Holocaust Memorial

New Hampshire Holocaust Memorial

The New Hampshire Holocaust Memorial in Rotary Common Park in Nashua proudly honors and commemorates those whose precious lives were lost in the Holocaust. The memorial pays particular homage to those who perished in six primary extermination camps:

Auschwitz, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek, Belzec and Chelmno.

These six death camps were intentionally and efficiently designed by the Nazis to exterminate the Jewish people of Europe, as well as homosexuals, gypsies, political dissidents and others. Eleven million innocent men, women and children were killed in Nazi forced labor and death camps during World War II.

This memorial is designed to encourage visitors to linger and ponder not just the gravity of the Holocaust but the genocides that continue today.

Fred Teeboom

  listen to audio May 30, 2014   [photos]
Holocaust Memorial Opens in Nashua
New Hampshire Public Radio

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